
Sour Mash Bourbon

Sour mash is a process unique to bourbon whiskey production. It involves using a portion of the previous batch’s fermented mash as the ‘starter’ for the next batch. This creates a consistent flavor profile from one batch to the next. Many bourbons are made using the sour mash process, but not all are labeled as such.

Michter's Toasted Barrel Sour Mash Whiskey
Michter's Toasted Barrel Sour Mash Whiskey
Elmer T Lee Single Barrel Sour Mash Bourbon
Elmer T Lee Single Barrel Sour Mash Bourbon
Michter's Sour Mash Whiskey
Michter's Sour Mash Whiskey

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"I like my whisky old and my women young." - Errol Flynn

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